• Designer Steve Jackson has posted a status report on the sixth edition of Ogre, mentioning that the game currently contains eleven counter and overlay sheets (with more sheets possibly required) and will remain an "old-school" design: "The Ogre rules are still stripped-down, basic, my-turn, your-turn, move and shoot. It's not a War College sim. It moves fast and minimizes rules arguments."
(An earlier update from Jackson shows him posing with a mock-up box that weighs 14 pounds and could be worn as a complete outfit by a hobo with an aversion to barrels.)
• The Uncharted: Board Game now has a page on BGG, with the designer revealed to be Grimoire's Hayato Kisaragi and the release date May 2012. The game description is still minimal, however, so you'll have to imagine most of what's going on in the game. Here it is: