In that talk, he revealed a few newsworthy bits for Race fans. To start, the second edition of Race for the Galaxy was at the printers at the time of that talk, and Lehmann detailed the changes that will be present in that second edition:
If you can't make out the changes to these five cards or don't recall the originals to know what has changed, BGG user ackmondual has detailed the changes here. Lehmann mentions that these five cards will be available as a promo pack through the BGG Store. Another change that might be hard to spot initially is that brown, green, and blue worlds will now have small moons overlapping the colored circles in the upper-left corner (as in the cards on Jump Drive) to aid those who have color blindness.
Lehmann also presented an overview of all Race-related spin-off games and expansions:
Race for the Galaxy: Xeno Counter Strike, the second title in the arc that began with Xeno Invasion in 2015, now has a 2019 date listed whereas when it was announced in February 2018 Lehmann seemed unsure as to when it might be released.
A Q2 2018 release date for Roll for the Galaxy: Rivalry, the second expansion for that game, is listed, along with a Q3 2018 release date for New Frontiers, which is subtitled "The Race for the Galaxy Board Game" and which was (I believe) first mentioned publicly in 2016. Another image during Lehmann's talk revealed iconography from New Frontiers (shown on the right below):
• On episode #170 of Dukes of Dice (link), designer Mike Fitzgerald unveiled his initial plans for Football Highlights 2052, a standalone game that takes inspiration from his Baseball Highlights 2045 while still being its own thing, largely due to baseball and football not being similar. BGG user Tim Tix summarized Fitzgerald's revelations in this BGG thread.
• In a write-up about his attendance at the Osaka Game Market on April 1, 2018, designer Bruno Faidutti confirmed that he has helped develop a new edition of Hayato Kisaragi's Greedy Kingdoms — first released by Japanese publisher One Draw in 2009 — for publication by Alderac Entertainment Group in 2018.
• On March 31, 2018, Erwan Hascoët of Monolith posted the following image on Facebook:
I asked him for details, and he says that Claustrophobia 1643 is a second edition of Croc's Claustrophobia, first released by Asmodee in 2009, that will be "launched" in September 2018 only via Kickstarter. Says Hascoët, "This is the same game as Claustrophobia, but we did some improvements. We also sculpted more minis (unpainted ones) for all the demons included in the game. We will launch only the core box in September, but if it is a success, we planned to publish two expansions in 2019."