In an update to the Ogre KS project, Car Wars co-designer Steve Jackson writes, "Next summer [i.e. Q3 2014] we'll reprint Car Wars Classic. This is the boxed Fourth Edition rule set, very much as it first appeared in 1990, but this time the counters will be die-cut. Now you'll have some little samplers of autodueling goodness while we work on the big stuff!"
• Other titles approaching retail release in the U.S. include Ludonaute's SOS Titanic (which will go to Kickstarter backers first before being available in stores) and the Z-Man Games line-up of Spiel 2013 titles, including Tash-Kalar, Russian Railroads, Glass Road, Bruxelles 1893 and more; these latter titles are nearly at the Z-Man warehouse, according to a company rep, and should start heading to distributors soon, after which they'll take a few days to reach stores, thus putting them on track for the release dates published on November 1, 2013.
• As for a few other Spiel 2013 releases, Martin Wallace notes that A Study in Emerald, Field of Glory: The Card Game, and the collector's edition of The Witches: A Discworld Game are now available through the Treefrog Games website.
• And one more from Spiel 2013: Game Salute has picked up The Game Master's Countdown: Special Ops for disitribution in the U.S.
• I have a giant blind spot for new releases between Spiel and BGG.CON as I recover from one convention and prepare for the next, and one of the many titles announced in that window that I've overlooked is Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature, which AEG expects to release in April 2014. As in the Smash Up base game, in SU:SFDF players combine two factions into a single deck — the choices this time being time travelers, cyborg apes, shapeshifters and super spies — then compete with their minions and actions to take control of special-powered bases and win victory points. Smash Up: Science Fiction Double Feature can be played on its own as a two-player game or combined with other Smash Up titles to allow for up to four players to compete at the same time.
• Speaking of BGG.CON 2013, a publisher/designer "speed dating" event took place at that convention during which designers quickly pitched their ideas to publishers and hoped to make a love connection. One title that did find a home was Ophir from first-time designers Jason David Kingsley and Charles C. Wright. U.S. publisher Terra Nove Games anticipates conducting a Kickstarter campaign for the game in mid-2014. Here's an overview of the game:
In Ophir, players begin at the temple, each with a unique ability such as the ambassador or chancellor. Player ships may move one or two spaces each turn, competing to gain resources. Will you transport your cargo to the market, timing your exchange for the best market price? Or will you return to the temple with your goods, gaining influence needed for special actions?
With enough money, you can set sail for the precious metals of Ophir — but be observant as the cost of silver and gold is ever-increasing, the market is constantly changing, and you will have to win a die roll against any ship whose hex you wish to enter. Your rivals will attempt to block your passage and shift the market in their favor, but if you can deliver the most silver and gold before the temple is complete, you win!