Take on the role of a harried city planner, racing against time to build the world's most fabulous metropolis. Surely your creations will be the most magnificent; you may even feel moved to boast that your achievements are the finest of all...just don't get proved wrong! Become a specialist at downtown, industrial or residential districts to increase your efficiency, but you'll also need to remember the importance of speed to the modern urban lifestyle. Lay out your city the fastest and you'll have time to enjoy your idyllic ponds and parks. What are you waiting for? Clear away the red tape, roll up your sleeves, and build your own Mad City! One minute should be more than enough time — and if things go wrong, well, you can always try again...
Mad City is a real-time competitive tile-laying game in which players compete to build the most lucrative city. In rounds that last exactly one minute, players must lay their hand of nine tiles out in a 3x3 grid in order to build their city districts in the most beneficial way. Players must also be fast if they hope to beat their opponents for the right to score bonuses for their ponds and parks and for their zoning majorities. Using a unique scoring system, Mad City allows players to focus or diversify in their building styles. With quick and addictive game play, families and gamers alike will be eager to return to Mad City!
Mad City includes a solo variant for players stranded on deserted islands, allowing you to test your building prowess against The Grid!
• Finally, another year brings another Steam expansion, specifically Steam: Map Expansion #4, which brings players to two new parts of the world:
• German publisher alea has released a new version of Andreas Seyfarth's Puerto Rico in that country. Well, sort of new. This version of Puerto Rico, bearing the number 16 on its side, uses the graphics of the 2011 Puerto Rico: Limited Anniversary Edition and includes the nobles and new buildings expansions that were packaged in that item, but it uses cardboard tokens for money and victory points, as in the original Puerto Rico. I asked alea's Stefan Brück whether this new version of PR would also be released in the U.S. and he said, "Not for the time being..."
• Spanish publisher nestorgames has yet another release, this time publisher Néstor Romeral Andrés' own SEVEN, a tile-placement game in which each of the two players has seven tetrahexes — polyhexes comprised of four hexagons — and they take turns placing these pieces on the playing area, trying to end up with more pieces on a higher level than the other guy. Man, perhaps the picture's misleading, but it looks like you could kill a man with those hexes. Super-chunky!