Designer Cole Wehrle, for example, has started Wehrlegig Games with his brother Drew in order to bring the second edition of his game Pax Pamir to market through Kickstarter (KS link). Wehrle has posted details on why a second edition exists and some of what's changed with the game's action system and graphic design. Good stuff to read, and a great way to engage with those who own the first edition and might be skeptical of change.
• To head 180º away from that design while still sticking to the concept of a game set in a distant location, how about this first look at Tomb Raider Legends: The Board Game, coming in Q1 2019 from Square Enix?
Square Enix's announcement of the game on Twitter included no details of gameplay, but this picture of the components suggests that each player embodies a different incarnation of Lara Croft and will need to stand with their hip jutting out for the entirety of gameplay. The caption on the image notes that the game was developed by Hobby Japan.
• Among its many SPIEL '18 releases, which you can view on BGG's SPIEL '18 Preview here, German publisher Lookout Games plans to release a second edition of the second edition of Francis Tresham's 1830, something that might be called a third edition, except that this will be only the second German-language edition released, so let's just call it the 2018 edition, yes? The game itself is untouched other than to remove mistakes in the (first) second edition of the game and to improve the flow of the game, whether due to a reworked rulebook or to a revamped graphic design in some parts of the game.
• Stronghold Games has picked up Wolfgang Warsch's dice game Ganz schön clever for release in the U.S. in English in January 2019 under the name Pretty Darn Clever! If you don't already know this game, you can check out this BGG News post for my write-up and a video overview.
• To inflict another askew image on you, let's look at The Game Changers from Frank Quispel and Dutch publisher Quined Games. This deck of eighty cards consists of eleven modules that supposedly can be added to any game in existence as an expansion. Add side bets to a game, or drop a hidden traitor into play! The English rules are available on the Quined Games website (PDF) should you care to learn the details.
• Quined Games has also issued a statement about negative feedback it's received for the cover of Raiatea, one of its SPIEL '18 releases, both in this BGG thread and on Kickstarter where the game is currently being funded (KS link). Here's one example of such a comment on the BGG thread: "This cover is total appropriation of a culture that has nothing to do with the name or theme of this game. Typical colonial appropriation bullshit. I was shocked when I saw this box cover and then to find the game has nothing to do with the maori people or the culture. I was actually angry. This happens so often and then you get ignorant comments talking about something that isn't even in the correct context. It's upsetting. Any questions, ask away." And Quined's statement:
We have created an awesome game, and would be disappointed if people that don't like the cover would not play this game. Therefore, Franz Vohwinkel is working on an alternative cover, which we will make available as a PDF once finished, and use for a future reprint of Raiatea. Since we are a very small independent publisher, we can't afford to produce two different covers in the current print run, this would simply be too costly. We hope this is a suitable solution for everyone.