• Jay Tummelson from Rio Grande Games notes that artwork for an expansion to Donald X. Vaccarino's Temporum is in the works, and he expects the expansion to be available in Q1/Q2 2016.
• Heroes and Tricks — coming from Eduardo Baraf, Jonathan Gilmour, and Pencil First Games in 2016 — is a four-suited trick-taking game in which players try to win as many tricks as possible, but each trick is lead by a hero card that defines the target suit and color — and while playing, each player can see only the card most recently played, so they'll need to use deduction in addition to hand-management to get the job done.
• Perepau LListosella and Looping Games have an odd couple combo at works in Topoum, due out in 2016. An overview:
In Topoum, you control an army of moles that are fighting for control of a piece of fertile land in the middle of the Great War. Moles are well known for their blindness and, for this reason, you'll earn badges (points) if you can form uninterrupted lines of sight between your soldiers.
• War for the White House from John T. Douglas, John Kaiser, III and GPAC comes with a shotgun-to-the-face style of presentation: