For SPIEL '18, the publisher has two extremely different games, starting with The Boldest, a 2-5 player that plays in 30-90 minutes from Sophia Wagner, whose Noria was released by the publisher in 2017. Here's a short overview of the game, which features more than one hundred illustrations by artist Max Prentis:
Defeat mechanical monsters, retrieve enigmatic artefacts, use helpful items, and lead your faction to glory. Can you read your opponents well enough and forestall them? Are you worthy of the title "The Boldest"?
You win the game if you can remember best who assigned which color to specific words and if multiple players can remember the colors you assigned to the words.
If you cover a circle on the grid that's the same color as the quadromino just placed there, you collect two energy points. By spending one energy point on a turn, you can possibly "rotate" the quadromino to be placed depending on what dice were rolled; by spending five energy points, you can place exactly the quadromino you want, ignoring the result of the dice. As you collect energy, you might cover an X on the energy chart; if you do, you track these Xs on a separate "extra point" bar, with the points escalating for each X you collect. If you complete 2-4 lines through the placement of a single quadromino, you collect an additional 1-4 Xs for this extra point bar.
Each player has three bombs they can spend to blow up a block instead of placing it, but by doing so you give up endgame points.
As soon as you can no longer place a quadromino in your grid, your game is over. Once everyone has filled their grid to the top, tally your points. In addition to the extra points bar and any bombs unused, you score 1-5 points for each horizontal line that contains 8-10 Xs, with these line points doubling, or even quadrupling, as you go higher in the grid. Whoever scores the most points wins!
Brikks also contains rules for a duel mode and a solitaire mode.