The highlight of ABACUS's offerings is Han, a new take on the Web of Power/China game system from designer Michael Schacht. In its press material, ABACUS notes that the game is meant to celebrate both the 25th anniversary of the company and Schacht's 25 years as a game designer. Whatever the cause, I'm happy to see more versions of this ingenious system. Ideally at some point ABACUS would release a boxed set of all of the China expansions that Schacht created for his online gaming site. In any case, here's an explanation of Han that covers everything for newcomers to the system, while including details of what's unique to this package:
When all house spaces in a region are filled (or at the end of the game), players score for that region. Whoever has the most houses in that region scores one point for each house in the region, whoever has the secondmost houses scores one point for each house of the player who has the most, and so on.
At game end, players also score for having majorities of emissaries in two adjacent regions, scoring as many points as the number of emissaries in both regions. Players also score for having four or more houses in an uninterrupted sequence along one of the roads on the board. On the "Grenzstreitigkeiten" game board, players also score majority points for the houses in the port cities located in multiple regions, these port cities effectively forming their own region. Whoever scores the most points wins.
"Grenzstreitigkeiten" has one variant. Each player starts with one fortification in addition to his other pieces. Once per game, a player can play two matching cards, then place his fortification on a house site, then top it with a house. Whenever this house scores — whether for the region majority, for being a port city, or for being part of a sequence — the house's owner scores double the points he normally would.
The other side of the game board — "Wege der Diplomatie", or "Ways of Diplomacy", which is made for 2-4 players — also has a variant, with each player receiving a marketplace. Once per game, a player can play two matching cards, then place the marketplace on a house site, then top it with an emissary (not a house). This allows a player to compete for emissary points in a region that is otherwise full.
• Limes is a new version of Martyn F's Cities, which he first released through his own Emma Games in 2008. For this new version, the setting has moved to the Roman era, and the game itself has a few changes. An overview with some detail:
Limes is based on the designer's board game Cities, and while the game system is roughly the same, the scoring is completely different. In addition, the tiles in Limes have a different layout from those in Cities. Together they ensure that Limes has become an entirely new game.
Limes includes two sets of cards, one for each player, but if you combine copies of the game (and use uniquely marked figures), any number of people can play at the same time.
The Latin noun limes had a number of different meanings: a path or balk delimiting fields, a boundary line or marker, any road or path, any channel, such as a stream channel, or any distinction or difference. In Latin, the plural form of limes is limites.
• The third title from ABACUS in the first half of 2014 is the quick-playing card game Oink! from designer Inon Kohn, who has also created a fair number of logic puzzles along the lines of Rush Hour. (Someday — PuzzleGeek!) Here's an overview of the game from the publisher, along with my guess as to what's really going on based on the back of the box:
Should this description be accurate, it seems ideal for when you're meeting new people as you'll learn right away who's game for anything!
Updated, Jan. 21: Turns out that I was mostly right, except that (1) Oink! includes pig cards that require you to "oink" no matter what the previous top card was and (2) cards are stacked on top of one another, not placed askew, so you're challenged to remember which animal and number was previously on top once the new card is placed. So close to being correct! That's the magic power of ABACUS' 1-2-3 explanation system that it adopted a few years ago. It does the job well!