• In his BGG blog, designer Tony Boydell "upturns the toast" on what will not possibly be the next release from Richard Breese's R&D Games. Perhaps to get a real idea of what's coming from R&D one should hold Boydell's post up to a mirror, then read it cross-eyed...
• Stefan Brück at alea has confirmed that the publisher is on target to release Vegas at the end of March 2012 and Saint Malo at the end of April.
• Portal Publishing has posted English rules (PDF) for Neuroshima Hex! Steel Police on its website.
• In another late link to a Nürnberg 2012 report, I point you toward issue 433 of WIN: The Games Journal, available in both English and German and published by the Austrian Spiele Museum. The publishers promise "622 new games by 248 designers from 98 publishers", which despite me already handling information about most of these titles is completely mind-boggling.
• And a few Kickstarter items to close out today's round-up:
-----–Nature of the Beast: Prairie vs. Polar – This third title in the NotB series from Eye-Level Entertainment has only a few days left on Kickstarter and has already passed the goal line. I'm just late to the party on this one. (KS link)
-----–Zpocalypse: An Epic Zombie Survival Board Game – I think the title alone probably tells you whether you need to investigate this game further or not. (KS link)
-----–"Artisan dice" made from "exotic hardwoods" – Not a game obviously, and the project listing includes the phrase "all intensive purposes", but here it is anyway for your perusing. (KS link)