• Thames & Kosmos, the U.S. branch of KOSMOS, has received Michael Menzel's Legends of Andor at its warehouse, along with the New Heroes and The Star Shield expansions, and plans to start shipping them to retailers by Nov. 6, 2015.
• Mega Civilization doesn't have a U.S. release date, but retailer Funagain.com will have copies for sale at BGG.CON 2015. Bring an empty suitcase if you plan to take one home!
• Designer James Ernest has posted beta rules for Tak, an abstract strategy game that appeared in the novel The Wise Man's Fear from Patrick Rothfuss, but without being described other than "an abstract strategy game that lies somewhere on the continuum between chess and go". Ernest plans to run tests of this game until February 2016, then launch a Kickstarter to pay for publication — assuming that someone doesn't break the game prior to then.
• Ernest and his Cheapass Games also have more Pairs decks in the works — six of them right now, with each having original art and rules for a new game that can be played with the Pairs deck. (The Pairs Companion (PDF) already has twenty ways to play games using this deck. As I've told Ernest, I'm amazed by how many iterations Pairs has had and how new games keep branching off from it like Jesus breaking bread for thousands, yet still being able to supply more with the same loaves. I'm not religious, but that's the imagery that came to me — someone discovering new games endlessly from the same source while the source itself is never diminished.)
• The Horus Heresy: Betrayal at Calth is a new Games Workshop release that has had little information released, but several details leaked, such as this component list and these images on Bell of Lost Souls and more images and some rule scans via Beasts of War. I've seen notices of the game being available for preorder on Nov. 7, 2015, but copies of the game are already in the hands of some, so who knows?