From Mayfair, due out in the second half of 2011:
• First Bull Run: A Test of Fire
• Five Points: The Politics of New York
• Giza: The Great Pyramid
• Rivals for Catan Expansion Deck
• Steam Map Expansion #1
• Urbania (working title)
And from FunFair:
• Badger! Badger!
• Double Double Dominoes
• Got'Em!
• Rocket Jockey
• Ugh!
• Whitewater
For now most of these game pages contain only a publisher's description of the game, which skews toward the thematic and hyperbolic while avoiding any description of the actual mechanisms of game play. (That's not what catalogs are for, so no surprise there.)
That said, me adding these game pages to BGG doesn't represent a change in policy toward what constitutes an acceptable game submission. Part of my job as BGG News editor is to get games into the database more quickly so that users can ask questions, report on prototype play sessions, add details to the listing, and so on – while also tracking these games in the future in order to update their descriptions once more information is available. When a BGG user submits a game for addition to the BGG database, both theme and the mechanisms of play need to be included as in many cases the game description will not be updated to include more details. I'm updating game descriptions as I can when I run across skimpy write-ups – mostly on 2011 releases – but there's a limit to how much I can do, which is why in general we'll aim for more comprehensive descriptions. Thanks!