The game consists of two rounds, each with multiple turns followed by a scoring phase. In each turn, you play cards to build roads that form neighborhoods with citizens that have allegiances to one of the players. You'll nominate watchmen to the towers, rig districts (gerrymandering), and raise great walls. All of these play a part in solidifying your power as you attempt to climb to the top of the political heap. Providing a safe place to live for the peasants will earn you a large reward, but failing to construct the city wall in time will see the loyal knights abandon the city for safe haven.
All the while, the Guilds that you align yourself with impart special powers that can upset the plans of your rivals. Move a road to form a new neighborhood where the citizens in your camp are in the majority or remove a wall that protects rival citizens from the ravages of the surrounding area. The Guilds will affect the outcome of who runs the city when the dust settles.
Mercury's Richard Diosi notes that The Walled City: Londonderry & Borderlands should be playable at Gen Con 2014 in August, but the game's production won't be finished in time for sales at that show.
• Also due out in October 2014 from Mercury Games is Foreclosed!, an English-language version of Vasaran Alla from Finnish brothers Jani and Tero Moliis. Here's a rundown of the setting and gameplay:
In the game, you are one of the creditors looking to reclaim your, ahem, "fair" share of this debtor's wealth. His property has been divided into five different categories: real estate, vehicles, luxury, antiques, and collector items. Cash is also available, and it's needed for negotiating with the other creditors. To start, you're awarded one item from Wealthy Uncle Moneybag's collection of property, but perhaps you'd like something else instead? If so, make the holder of that item an offer, and he'll be forced to either pay money to protect it or swap his item for yours. Once all players have had a chance to swap, the items they hold are added to their personal collections. The more property of one type you manage to acquire, the more valuable your share will be — and this is what counts in the end, so take your seat as the negotiations are about to begin.