• Panda Game Manufacturing is hiring a U.S. account manager, and since BGGers might have the experience and interest needed for such a job, Michael Lee at Panda has asked me to pass along information about the job: "We are interested in hiring a U.S.-based full time account manager to join our management team. Our ideal candidate has a track record of success while working independently, has good industry knowledge, and is located in the proximity of Indianapolis, Columbus, or Las Vegas. (Panda attends conventions in these cities.) Exceptional applicants from other cities will be considered as well." For full details on the skills and experience needed, as well as the responsibilities involved, head to this ow.ly page and download the PDF there.
• Kevin Scott at Torontoist writes about the third-annual Board Game Jam, in which designers are challenged to create an original game in just 48 hours.
• To celebrate the impending release of Bowen Simmons' The Guns of Gettysburg, publisher Mercury Games has worked with BGG to arrange for a fund-raising auction for an advance copy of the game – that is, one delivered several weeks before the game's general release – with all profits from the auction going to the Civil War Trust in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania "and the current campaign to save the 'fishhook' position near the Round Tops". In the description of this auction, Mercury's Richard Diosi notes that "Donations for the 'fishook' campaign are matched at a generous $4.19 to $1 ratio."
• So, real or not real? That's the question I have after watching this seemingly satirical video presentation for the game Pick Me! from Getta1Games, which does indeed have a website as well as a game page for Pick Me! What say you?