(Note: I'm on the IGA jury for the general strategy category, but for the second year running I have abstained from submitting a nominee list.)
• Alain Ollier's The Boss is now playable in a beta version on Board Game Arena, while Emiliano Venturini's tricky-sounding Carnac has been added to BoardSpace.net.
• Designer Tony Boydell is up to his usual word play in his BGG blog with a ludic reimagining of a classic number from Queen (and that's not a shortening of Queen Games, mind you). An excerpt:
For Fighting Fantasy?
Caught in Wallenstein
No Escape! from Polarity...
Open your Ice, Flow up to Sun-Sand and Sea (!)
I'm just a Troyes boy I need no Sympathie
Take It Easy come, easy go; little high, little low
And Before the Wind blows doesn't really matter Tomy, Tomy...