As for new projects coming from SJG in 2016, Reed writes, "we're already hard at work on games that will ship in mid-2016. The first quarter projects are completed and at print, and we're planning announcements for new Munchkin games, something new for Ogre, and the new edition of Car Wars" — that is, Car Wars Sixth Edition, with 2016 being the 35th anniversary of the game.
• On Games Precipice as part of its series on "early game structures", Alex Harkey writes about decisions, ranking Catan, Carcassonne, 7 Wonders and Hanabi on four "characteristics that can lead to interesting decisions": transparency, energy, metamorphosis, and perspective.
• In its game guide for the holiday season, Gear Patrol recommends "seven board games released in the last five years that have gotten great reviews, but aren't as financially successful as the old classics", which somewhat amusing given that all of the games released in the last five years, great reviews or not, aren't as financially successful as the old classics. Still, kudos to GP for spotlighting modern games on its site.
• On his blog, designer Bruno Faidutti objects to the use of the word "test" when others write about games that he's designed or co-designed, crediting his fellow designer Bruno Cathala with the following argument: "The games we publish work as we have tested them ourselves. Players can enjoy them or not, but it's not up to them to test them." In more detail: