• Game reviewers Greg Schloesser and Ben Baldanza have taken over as editor and managing editor for Counter Magazine, a quarterly print publication that features articles and game reviews, and in an article on The Opinionated Gamers, Schloesser details the challenges of keeping print alive.
• Jess Nevins' article in the Los Angeles Review of Books on The Classic Horror Stories, a 2013 collection of H. P. Lovecraft's major stories, is not specifically game-related, but it might still prove of interest as a way to explain the proliferation of Cthulhu-based games over the past three decades:
Of particular interest for gamers might be the guest appearance of designer Touko Tahkokallio on the trip, along with a limited-edition production of his game Thermopyles, which is otherwise playable online at Board Game Arena for those unwilling or unable to head to Greece in late August 2013. A trip to Lapland, Finland is scheduled for early 2014.
• In 2012, Mayfair Games brought Nichelle Nichols (a.k.a. Lt. Uhura) to its stand at Gen Con to celebrate the release of Star Trek: Catan. For 2013, Mayfair is repeating the trick by having Walter Koenig (a.k.a. Ensign Pavel Chekov) on hand to autograph items, particularly copies of the game depicted at left.
• In its May 13, 2013 issue, The New Yorker has a profile by Raffi Khatchadourian of Falafel, the highest ranked backgammon player in the world. An excerpt:
He can make ten thousand dollars in half an hour playing backgammon; he can make many times that in an evening—and he can lose it all just as easily. The money comes and goes. Currently, he has no home. He has no driver’s license. Until just a few months ago, he had no cell phone, no bank account, and no credit card. Pretty much everything that he owns can fit into a large black suitcase.
• Let's close with a fun segment from The Mythical Show featuring the "Most Complicated Board Game Ever". (HT: Tanya Cook Thompson)