• Blogger/podcaster/reviewer Tom Vasel has announced the winners of the Dice Tower Awards for 2012 (as voted on by forty gamers, bloggers and podcasters), with Eclipse taking game of the year, King of Tokyo winning best family game, and the broken-and-admitted-to-as-such-by-the-designer A Few Acres of Snow claiming best wargame. Paging Dr. Dean! Your previous diagnosis of this patient has gone unnoticed.
• Derek Thompson at MeepleTown interviews artist Miguel Coimbra, who by chance or design has done artwork for some of the most popular games of the past decade, including 7 Wonders, Small World, and BattleLore.
• French game magazine Plato is going international with the September 2012 debut of Plato Worldwide, which despite the name will appear only in English and not hundreds of different languages. You can download a sample PDF of the new magazine from the Plato website.
• To show that Alf Seegert is not the only designer to promote himself extensively and end up featured in publications far and wide, designer Chevee Dodd blogs about being contacted by a publisher for Project: Dead End, a game that he's written about in many places.
A unique formula then enabled the system to examine all viable moves when playing and, using data gathered from all possible outcomes, calculate the most appropriate move.