—Public information slows down decisions. Decisions slow down a pitch.
• On College Humor, Ryan Creamer and Dennis Flynn suggest that you sympathize with — or perhaps mock? I'm not sure — "7 Childhood Board Game Characters With Horrible Shitty Lives".
• On Polygon, Charlie Hall asks "Is Exploding Kittens, the most heavily funded game in Kickstarter history, any good?" And since the gameplay pretty much matches the description presented during the KS campaign, I'm not surprised by the answer.
• Want to find "the hottest new board games"? Then you had best check out this write-up from Ross Hyzer in The New Yorker to get all the details on Great Houses of Europe, How Splendid! and Invite Your Friends: A Board-Game Adventure, which is described below:
• On her Twitter account, Brittanie Boe of GTS Distribution and GameWire launched a #BoardGameHaiku hashtag on April 7, 2015, and many people have taken up the suggestion/invitation, including yours truly:
Poor color choices in hand,
Lost cities await...
Please recall that haiku consist of 17 syllables in three lines, with a 5-7-5 pattern. Deadline for entry is midnight EDT (GMT -4) on Sunday, April 12, 2015.