Nominations were taken throughout February 2012 at JoculAnului.ro and on Facebook for games released during the 2011 calendar year, then BoardGames Blog readers voted on the finalists in each category, with Touko Tahkokallio's Eclipse winning both "Expert Game of the Year" and "Game of the Year". Agnieszka Migdalska's Top-A-Top from Kuźnia Gier won for best children's game, while The Settlers of Catan won for best game in Romanian. Amazing to note that with each new language in which it appears, Settlers wins more awards.
A complete list of finalists in each category is available on the Jocul Anului website.
• Designer Michael Schacht has gone spacey with his latest China map project, putting players in a familiar genre environment while they build constellations with their "house" placements and use the wormholes to create hidden connections.
As with all of the maps that Schacht has created in his "12 Months of China" project, China: Starmania is playable on Schacht's online gaming site.
• Canadian publisher Le Scorpion Masqué will now have its titles distributed in France and Switzerland by IELLO, with La Course des Étoiles and Monster Chase being available in May 2012. (Source)
• Bellwether Games has published an interview with Danish designer Asger Sams Granerud, who details his still-in-the-works football/soccer simulation game [Mental] - Football.
• In a March 2012 blog post, after cogitating on why he doesn't like El Grande, Ilium and Nefertiti, BGG user Kevin B. Smith discovers one aspect of games that make them enjoyable for him:
Not sure what lesson game designers might draw from Smith's observation – maybe nothing – but it reminded me of Jon Shafer's observation that I linked to the other day, namely to "limit the player". From Shafer's post: