• Hasbro is looking for game designers. What the publisher is looking for:
• Gaming Chronicles has posted audio files of a five-part interview with Steve Jackson Games' Andrew Hackard "about Munchkin Conan, the Ogre re-imagining, and details about some future releases for the amazing game maker". Why post the interview as five separate files when the files are unlabeled and have no advertising attached to them? I dunno, but that's just what Gaming Chronicles did.
• Attending Spiel 2012 and not sure what to do on Wednesday night before the convention opens? Assuming, of course, that you can't sneak in early to pick up something fresh off the printing rack? Designer Roland Weiniger is involved in Essen Warm-up Day, an event designed for all those in your situation so that you can moan about your sorry state together. Or perhaps play games with one another. Your choice.
• Awesome Dice Blog lives up to its promise of awesomeness by publishing a comparison of d20 dice from GameScience and Chessex in which each die is rolled 10,000 times with the results then examined for true randomness:
The Chessex d20 had a standard deviation of 16.13, and the GameScience d20 had a standard deviation of 12.25.