Links: Gender in Game Rules, Gen Con in 2021, and No Forums for FFG

Links: Gender in Game Rules, Gen Con in 2021, and No Forums for FFG
Board Game: Root
• In Analog Game Studies, Shelly Jones and Tanya Pobuda have written an article that summarizes itself in the title: "An Analysis of Gender-Inclusive Language and Imagery in Top-Ranked Board Game Rulebooks".

The article was spurred into existence thanks to a July 2019 BGG thread that started with this question: "Why do so many games insist on having gendered pronouns in the rule books?" The response by many BGG users puzzled Jones and Pobuda, who include this background info near the beginning of their article:
Many industries have long since moved on from the "he/him/his" pronoun structure in their manuals, so their prevalence in many board game rulebooks puzzled us. As a former technical and instructional manual writer for the defense and tech industry, Tanya in particular was flummoxed by this recurring debate. If she hadn't used gender-inclusive language in manuals about loading missile launchers or close quarter combat for the Canadian military, her manuals would have been kicked back to her for revision by the Canadian Department of Defense leadership. It was her job and that of her management to get it right. "Right" meant sharing all information in a gender-inclusive way.
Board Game: War of the Ring: Second Edition
Jones and Pobuda analyzed the rulebooks for the top 40 games on BGG (as of Dec. 23, 2019), admitting that the sample is somewhat small given the 122,000+ games in the database, but figuring they'll start there. In the end, eleven of the forty games received a 4/4 score, "meaning the rulebook had a good mix of gender representation in language and imagery", with 16 games scoring a 3/4, eight games 2/4, four games 1/4, and a solitary 0/4 for War of the Ring: Second Edition. From the article's appendix:
The top-most ranking, a 4/4 finding, reflects a consistent, diligent effort to ensure gender inclusivity throughout the manual containing at least 4 of 4 aspects of inclusivity including playable and/or non-playable characters that are male-presenting/female-presenting, that those characters depicted in a relatively balanced way in the rulebook, that there is the use of singular they, or he or she, or s/he, and there is a consistent representation of gendered player examples and/or imagery in the rulebook that is relatively gender balanced.
Bottom line: We can do better in how we present games to potential players, ideally making everyone feel welcome at the table, with one tool for doing this being rulebooks that adopt the singular "they" or the imperative "you" when addressing readers (in addition to having a wider variety of playable characters and other changes). I'll admit that I disliked singular "they" in rulebooks until the early 2010s, at which point I realized that I was being stubborn for no reason other than past experience.

That said, I sometimes prefer "you" as the rules can be briefer in imperative form: Shuffle the deck and deal ten cards to each player. On your turn, do A, B, or C. Discard cards, and score X points at the end of your turn.

From gallery of W Eric Martin
• Will Gen Con take place as normal in 2021? In a mid-December 2020 statement, the convention organizers noted that they're postponing badge registration and event submission until they know what's possible, but they hope to make the event happen:
Our goal for the new year is to hold Gen Con 2021 as planned, in person in Indianapolis from August 5-8. We're working towards that objective with health and safety as our top priority. A variety of factors need to come together for a physical convention to be feasible, and we're carefully monitoring local and national safety and travel guidelines, health data, resource availability, and the advice of our finest sages, scientists, and sorcerers.
Board Game Publisher: Fantasy Flight Games
Fantasy Flight Games has announced, in individual posts in each of its dozens of game forums, that it will remove all forums from its site as of February 1, 2021, a decision lamented by fans of its LCGs and miniature-based games such X-Wing, the forum for which has more than 1.4 million posts. Here's the announcement:
Hello FFG forum users,

For years, we've featured forums on our website as a place for our gamers to gather and share their experiences—giving a place to discuss strategy, anticipate upcoming expansions, and share homebrew rules and variants. However, in almost every case, the communities centered around these games are more active elsewhere, whether that's on other websites, in social media groups, or with dedicated Discord servers.

We hope that you've enjoyed the use of the individual forums for our different product lines, but we have now made the decision to close down our website's forums at the end of the January.

All forums under will be shut down on February 1, 2021. If you have content on our forums that you would like to keep, you must save it elsewhere by January 31, 2021, or it will be lost forever.

Although we've loved having the forums on our website, we hope that you don't see this as the end of a community around a certain game. In every case, there are other players who love the same games that you do, gathering elsewhere online—this could even be the perfect chance to make some new friends.

We've can't wait to see you out there!
• Finalists for the "game of the year" category in the 2021 Toy of the Year awards from The Toy Association are live, and...well, here they are:

Drone Home
Fish Club
Genius Square (which is a logic puzzle, not a game)
Poetry for Neanderthals
Pokémon Trading Card Game Battle Academy
Story Time Chess
The #UpsideDownChallenge Game

What would you choose? The winner of this category — and the other fifteen categories of toys — will be announced on February 12, 2021 during a virtual event that replaces the normal in-person event ahead of the opening of NY Toy Fair.

From gallery of W Eric Martin


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