• Tasty Minstrel Games is organizing "Eminent Domain Preview Nights", a program for brick-and-mortar retailers to receive the game ahead of regular distribution (but after Kickstarter supporters) in order to hold special showings of the game. For details on how to get your retailer to participate – and for a chance to win a games bundle for getting that retailer involved – read TMG's March 2011 newsletter.
• John Yianni's Army of Frogs will be released as an iOS app by Big Daddy's Creations in May 2011. Head to the app developer's website for screenshots of the design in progress.
• On a related note, Big Daddy's Creations has a Caylus app in the works for release in September 2011. The developer's Caylus page has little for show now other than the promise of an app to come.
• Issue #17 of Świat Gier Planszowych will include a unique, new card for 51st State, according to designer Ignacy Trzewiczek.
• Lookout Games has announced that starting in mid-March 2011 a new edition of Agricola will be available. The only changes to the content will be revisions to two cards, which will later be available for download through the Lookout Games website and "probably" available as promo cards at Spiel. Other cards have had their text revised by designer Uwe Rosenberg to remove anything unclear, and the bulky fence pieces will be replaced by thinner ones.
• Hydravision has unveiled a video promo of Dungeon Twister: The Video Game, which is coming for Xbox LIVE and Playstation 3. As one might expect from Renaissance man Christophe Boelinger, the DT designer has both composed and arranged music for the video, in addition to choreographing the characters' dance moves. That's right – dance moves. You probably never thought the Mechanork could bust a move like this.
• For those who lack the budget of a Hydravision, designer Jay Cormier explains the bargain basement approach used for the homemade Train of Thought commercial.
• The annual UK Games Expo, which takes place June 3-5, 2011, has been updating its list of games that will be new for the show, some of which will debut at the convention and some of which are merely new since the previous Games Expo.
• Stephane at 5 Minutos por Jeugo has compiled a video summary of the Cannes 2011 game festival, complete with disturbing pop music accompaniment.