The title "The First Twenty" refers to the first twenty years of the 21st century, and this film series is hosted by ALL ARTS. You can watch a 30-second preview of the show or a minute-long excerpt of Mik and Starla's interview or of course the entire film via the ALL ARTS app.
• On April 28, 2022, the Fort Leavenworth Lamp, a publication of the U.S. Army installation at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, published an article titled "Board-based wargame used for CGSC elective". Here's an excerpt from that article:
The game, Thor's Hammer, (not related to the commercial e-game of the same name), set in Norway and Sweden, was designed by game-design students at Georgetown University in cooperation with the Department of Sustainment and Force Management at CGSC. CGSC's Department of Simulation Education assisted in the design and development of the game...
During the after-action review, students pointed out some game issues such as the game favoring defense over offense and allowing for regeneration of units that could not be regenerated in the field. They were also able to see how the game reinforced the principles of sustainment, principally anticipation, survivability and integration, and how during the game they changed the priority of supply or priority of support to adjust for game events.
What's more complicated is the matter of WizKids. I don't even think of my average D&D Nolzur's or Pathfinder Deep Cuts customer as a "miniatures" customer, but as an "RPG" customer. And as such, they're looking for different things from a miniature product. Usually, it's price, convenience, and a certain grab-and-go functionality.
So far, those latter two points are winning against rising prices, but they won't forever.