• In other convention news, I overlooked this Geeklist covering LeiriaCon 2012 from Nuno Sentieiro, co-designer of Madeira: Pearl of the Atlantic, due out at Spiel 2012 from Italian publisher What's Your Game? In addition to showing off Madeira, Sentieiro includes a prototype pic of Xavier Georges' Chicago, a nice all-wood version of Mac Gerdts' Casus Belli (now titled Antike Duellum), and short summaries of four prototypes from Martin Wallace. Dozens of convention photos are posted in this Spiel Portugal album.
• The Swiss branch of Mensa has launched its own game award – Mensa Preference – but unlike the U.S. Mensa branch that gives its highest honor to five games, Mensa Switzerland is reserving the Mensa Preference award for a single game which will be chosen from a half-dozen finalists, with those finalists being Aquileia, Miss Lupun...und das Geheimnis der Zahlen, Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan, The Castles of Burgundy, Tschak!, and Village. Mensa Switzerland members will play these games intensively over a game weekend April 20-22, then vote for their favorite.
• Jon Shafer, lead designer for the video game Civilization V, offers advice that applies to game design of all stripes in an article titled "Make a Better Game – Limit the Player".
• In yesterday's new game round-up, I mentioned designer Alf Seegert's amazing ability to be interviewed in all types of places. Seegert is at it again in an interview by BGG user Jaime Polo, who has also conducted interviews on his BGG blog with designers Bryan Johnson, Dave Chalker, Henrik and Åse Berg, and others.
• Blogger "wolfie" at I Slay the Dragon looks at posts by Jesse Dean and yours truly on the subject of game reviews, then tries to answer the question "Do game reviews spend enough time playing games before they review them?" An excerpt: