Solis, who made an experimental move to full-time game designer in early 2013, has a more positive take on the DTC experience after 59 sales of Koi Pond in two months:
Having the experience of Kickstarting three projects already, DriveThruCards offers me an appealing alternative. Yes, I have fewer sales over a longer period of time, but I also don't have the stress of stretch goals, income taxes, and fulfillment hassles occupying my time for the next year. Instead, I can keep blowing on this little ember until it lights another fire.
• On his Mechanics & Meeples blog, Shannon Appelcline has a long interview with designer Matt Leacock about his experience designing co-operative games, namely Pandemic, Forbidden Island, and Forbidden Desert. An excerpt:
The goal was to find games that could be learned quickly and enjoyed in short rounds, which ruled out long-lasting games like Monopoly and Risk. The coming events will feature about a dozen different games made by six companies, which have agreed to supply games to be played and given away.
• We've seen Settlers of Catan pizza, Catan cookies, Catan cupcakes. Have we seen Catan breakfast yet? If not, now's your chance:
(HT: Dale Yu via I Heart Chaos)