• Hans im Glück has posted a six-part video tutorial in German for Michael Tummelhofer's Pantheon, due out mumble-mumble in the U.S. Here's a link to the [url=Einführung ins Pantheon]intro episode[/url].
• As part of his "Conversation with a Gaming Innovator" series, Pete at The Superfly Circus interviews Chad Hoverter, sculptor for the miniatures in Plaid Hat Games' updated edition of Dungeon Run.
• And speaking of Plaid Hat, Tom Gurganus at Go Forth and Game interviews PHG's Colby Dauch about production, design and more.
• Opinionated Gamers has an interview with Bernhard Löhlein about the nature of the Kennerspiel des Jahres, the new "enthusiast's" game award from the Spiel des Jahres jury. Nominations for these two awards, along with the Kinderspiel des Jahres, will be announced Monday, May 23, 2011.
• The documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World is due out June 6, 2011 in the U.S. and July 15 in the UK. Here's a trailer for the film. (HT: Thomas L McDonald)
• French site Jedisjeux notes that issue 2011/3 of Spielbox magazine will include a bonus leader card for 7 Wonders, featuring the leader "Stevie" who lets you build your wonder for money instead of resources. Very clever, you Belgo-Mexicans you... Update: In addition to appearing in both the German and English editions of Spielbox, "Stevie" will be a freebie in the French magazine Jeux sur un Plateau.