-----• 7 Wonders, by Antoine Bauza (Repos Production)
-----• Hanzesteden (Hansa Teutonica), by Andreas Steding (999 Games)
-----• Het Verboden Eiland (Forbidden Island), by Matt Leacock (White Goblin Games)
-----• Imperial 2030, by Mac Gerdts (The Game Master)
-----• K2, by Adam Kałuża (White Goblin Games)
-----• Lino, by Chislaine van den Bulk (Giuoco)
-----• Sun, Sea & Sand, by Corné van Moorsel (Cwali)
-----• Wizard, by Ken Fisher (999 Games)
The nominees were chosen by a jury from all games published in The Netherlands between June 2010 and June 2011, and during September 2011 Dutch and Belgian gamers can vote for up to three of these nominees, with points being assigned to these games and the winner being announced on October 3.
• And closer at home, BGG's Scott Alden has announced that nominations are open for the 2011 Golden Geek Awards, with nominations being taken on board/card games, role-playing games and video games in a variety of categories, and each user being able to nominate up to ten entries per category. The user interface for the nomination system is smooth, with a voter being able to select a game for multiple categories easily, in addition to removing and adding other titles.
• German publisher franjos Spieleverlag has released four new puzzles (#5-8, PDF) for Eric Solomon's Black Box / Black Box +.
• In its September 2011 newsletter, Stronghold Games announced that the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC would carry Stronghold's Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War in its retail shop. The International Spy Museum describes itself as "the only public museum in the United States solely dedicated to espionage and the only one in the world to provide a global perspective on an all-but-invisible profession that has shaped history and continues to have a significant impact on world events". Nice pick-up of a retail outlet outside the normal channels!
Whether you're investigating the history of spies or not, Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War should be available at North American retailers starting as early as September 13, 2011.
• To celebrate the rerelease of his Dragon's Gold in a new edition from White Goblin Games, designer Bruno Faidutti is holding not one, not two, but three dragon-naming contests on his website, with the person who identifies the most games out of 36 for each of the three contests wins a copy of the new Dragon's Gold. I appreciate the quirkiness of the tie-breaker question, with Faidutti asking you to name which dragon you like best out of the 36 pictured.
• TrollandToad.com nets a "Customer Service WIN" on FAIL Blog. (HT: Chad Krizan)