Spiele Hit für Experten (Game Hits for Experts)
-----• Das letzte Bankett (GameHeads)
-----• Mage Knight: Board Game (Pegasus Spiele)
Spiele Hit mit Freunden (Game Hits with Friends)
-----• Africana (ABACUSSPIELE)
-----• Die Gulli-Piratten (Heidelberger Spieleverlag)
-----• Pictomania (Pegasus Spiele)
Spiele Hit für Familien (Game Hits for Families)
-----• Baobab (Piatnik)
-----• Indigo (Ravensburger)
-----• Kalimambo (Zoch Verlag)
-----• Takenoko (Bombyx/Matagot)
-----• Würfel Bohnanza (AMIGO)
Spiele Hit für Kinder (Game Hits for Children)
-----• Captain Kidd (Beleduc)
-----• Monstertorte (HABA)
-----• Ubongo Junior (Kosmos)
• Maybe Valley Games has the right idea after all with its new look for Die Macher. Daniel Oppenheimer, an associate professor of psychology and public affairs at Princeton University, has published a study showing that "[p]eople recall what they've read better when it's printed in smaller, less legible type". From an interview in the Harvard Business Review:
• French game site Pépites Ludiques has posted an image-filled report of the late June 2012 "Paris est Ludique" convention – but to be honest the look is more county fair than game convention. Could this type of convention work in the U.S.? Perhaps as part of an actual county fair? "Step away from those balloon-popping, milk-jug-ball-tossing hucksters and check out this little finger-breaking eye-gouger called Jungle Speed!"