-----• Archipelago, by Christophe Boelinger (Ludically)
-----• Eclipse, by Touko Tahkokallio (Lautapelit.fi)
-----• Myrmes, by Yoann Levet (Ystari)
-----• Noé, by Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc (Bombyx)
-----• Seasons, by Régis Bonnessée (Libellud)
-----• Sherlock Holmes Détective Conseil, by Raymond Edwards, Suzanne Goldberg and Gary Grady (Ystari)
-----• Takenoko, by Antoine Bauza (Matagot/Bombyx)
-----• Tournay, by Sébastien Dujardin, Xavier Georges and Alain Orban (Pearl Games)
-----• Trajan, by Stefan Feld (Ammonit Spiele)
-----• Village, by Inka and Marcus Brand (Gigamic)
The winner will be announced December 16.
• In late November 2012, Asmodee opened a wholly-owned subsidiary in Shanghai, China. From a press release announcing the founding of Asmodee China: "The goal is to expand into a new market taking advantage of Asmodee's extensive line-up of games and the existing relationships with partners, thus promoting the brand in mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The intent is to build an inventory of games in Chinese for this market: party games, family, educational, strategy, hobby, etc." Furthermore:
• Hisashi Hayashi, designer of String Railway and Trains, is interviewed by MeepleTown's Derek Thompson. An excerpt:
• Dennis at Bellwether Games interviews Michael R. Keller, designer of the forthcoming City Hall and Captains of Industry and former assistant designer at Decipher Games. When asked the most important skill for a game designer, Keller answers: