• One of Jon's database admissions in 2019 was on trend with his love of JP games — "JP" conveniently meaning both "Japanese" and "Jon Power" — with that game being トレンド (TREND) from designers Hiroshi Mizouchi and Shigeru Mizouchi and publisher STUDIO U×F. This 2-5 player card game features the same subject matter as Reiner Knizia's 2-5 player card game Trendy from 2000, but it plays out far differently:
Players take turns playing a garment card into a 3x3 grid. The card must be placed adjacent to a card that shares at least one attribute. When three cards of the same attribute make a line, a trend is made, such as red clothing or denim. Whoever played the card receives a big bonus, while other players have a chance to score a little.
Large-sized cards show off beautifully coordinated garments, and the game attracts fashion-conscious people, with a variant for those who are new to board games.
• Another Jon Power addition to the BGG database is いやいやコーギーと、あるきたい! (No, No, I Want to Walk With Corgi!, or perhaps more literally "I want to take a walk with a Corgi who is not willing to"), which is a 1-6 player card game from designer Yoshi and publisher よしの企画 (Yoshino Kikaku). An overview:
After meeting all the friends, the players must return the corgi home at the center of the town. When the corgi is returned home, the active player wins.
• The 2019 release The Era of Traveling Merchant, a.k.a. 行商の時代 from publisher A.I.Lab.遊 sounds like a somewhat traditional Eurogame:
Players get two actions on a turn from a move action, a cargo action, or a shipping action. Players can move to cities; can pick up cargo from a city and place the goods in their wagon (but not goods they dropped previously); or ship goods to their storehouse in the city with the demand. By fulfilling demands, players collect order cards, gaining victory points. By taking the most prominent order cards, players receive jewel bonuses. By building up sets of order cards, players can increase the capacity of their wagons and build trading houses in cities; trading houses give the player a third action each round, which gives the player an advantage and is one of the endgame conditions.
The game ends either when the decks are exhausted, the special cards (difficult orders) are lost, or when a player has four trading houses. Players then tally their points from order cards, from jewels, and from getting the last wagon card.
The game in question is Complete the Atlas, which bears the Japanese title ブランクワールド, which means "Blank World". This design from CRAZYRAT and publisher 一石ラボ (Isseki Labo) is a 2-4 player game that plays in 45-90 minutes and that features subject matter far more expected from a European designer or publisher:
Proving that the world is round, a new world map similar to — but not identical to — the real world will be created. Initially the game board shows a large map of the world known to Europeans in the 15th century, with all of Europe being depicted along with parts of Asia and Africa. The rest of the board is blank, and players place land tiles as they travel across the seas. In this way, they literally complete a new atlas (rather than trying to mimic the actual globe), and the game will play out differently each session.
As players draw tiles and discover new lands, they also close off potential sea routes. Balancing the need to discover and the need to trade is one of the game's challenges. Building a church and propagating Christianity to a greater extent also increases a player's fame.