The publisher, which specializes in items related to stationery, has an English-language website should you care to order a copy.
• 空中都市アーレア (The Sky City of ALEA) is a dice-rolling game for 3-5 players from designers Kujiradama Zero and Nagisa Kujira and publisher KUJIRADAMA that debuted at Tokyo Game Market in November 2019. An overview of the game's setting:
If someone does set off the trap, they re-roll all the dice on the table and either they set it off again, ending the round, or they don't, in which case they score points equal to however many dice they rolled originally. As soon as someone hits a point threshold, the game ends after the next round.
• Another new release at the Nov. 2019 TGM was Nice Egg! (ナイスエッグ!) by Naotaka Shimamoto and itten, with the game concept coming from Hideki Tanaka at ASOBI.dept.
Here's a short description from the publisher: "Nice Egg! is a yolk-dropping action game in which players are challenged to drop yolks one by one each round, with a feeling of play reminiscent of curling. Can you be a fried egg master?"
• A second itten/ASOBI.dept collaboration was released at TGM in Nov. 2019 in itten's new tiny cube box line: Kappa Bros! (カッパ兄弟), with Naotaka Shimamoto reworking Itsuka Tanaka's KAPPA-TAN.
The quick take on the game: "Depending on the roll of the fish dice, each turn in Kappa Bros!, you either add more water to the plate, move the plate to another Kappa, or do both! Whoever breaks the surface tension and spills any water loses."
• This game provoked a brief "Wait, what?" response before I shifted into "Sure, why not?" mode:
「どうぶつのおしりCARD」ぷに! 一般販売より前にゲムマで先行販売するぷにじゃが、まだ生産中ぷによ。間に合うと良いぷにな〜。https://t.co/zH8sEsKS1U#ババカード #カードゲーム #バナナムーン #バナナぷにぷに堂 #ゲームマーケット pic.twitter.com/TZxKgTWK1S
— 青いぷにぷに|バナナムーン (@banapuni) October 25, 2019
どうぶつのおしりCARD, a.k.a. Animal Tail Cards is from Banana Moon Studio, and it's a simple hand-shedding game for players aged 4 and up. The game itself doesn't look too interesting, but where else will you find heart-butt cards featuring fluffy animal posteriors explained over blippy earworms? Where?!