A week later, I'm still trying to get caught up with all of the messages I received. At this point BGG's Gen Con 2015 Preview contains 185 listings — with many of those listings representing multiple similar items, such as the Wave 1 ships for Star Wars: Armada — and while I'd prefer to clear my in-box completely before pushing this preview public, it's time to get it out the door and share it with all of you.
Note that if you've already emailed me information about what you'll have at Gen Con 2015, I likely still have that message in my in-box and will add that information to this preview in the days ahead. This week we'll also start reaching out to publishers to schedule game demonstrations in the BGG booth at Gen Con 2015, demonstrations that we livestream during the show for those who must unfortunately participate in Gen Can't (which is cheaper to attend and easier to find a parking space for, while admittedly lacking a certain frission that comes with being surrounded by thousands of other gamers). If you plan to have new games at Gen Con 2015 but haven't sent me details on what you'll have, grab my email address out of the BGG News header and drop me a note.