Here's an edited excerpt from the press release announcing the deal:
Moreover, American Kingsburg's fans will soon have the opportunity to play Kinsgburg: Roll & Write, a new standalone game based on the famous long-selling game.
Most of these titles have already been released in Italy (and perhaps elsewhere), but Smiles & Daggers from Gianluigi Giorgetti and Andrea Marchi was just announced at the start of July 2020. [Correction, 5 Aug 2020: This game was released in 2018 in Italy, and somehow I overlooked past evidence of the game.] Here's an overview of the game:
The Lady kills the Knight, the Lord kills the Lady but gets killed by Knights. You have to choose one card to put face down in front of you. Your opponent will do the same, whilst other players are betting on the outcome. Each card has two sides: one smiling that gives you money, the other kills (if possible) the opponent.
Which side will you choose? And most importantly, which side is under your opponent's card?