The publisher has now released first details of Great Western Trail: Argentina, which like the second edition of the original game is for 1-4 players with a playing time of 75-150. Here's a bit more information:
Great Western Trail: Argentina features gameplay elements similar to Great Western Trail such as deck management, the rondel mechanism, and the ability to upgrade your player board, along with twists on these elements and new features.
The player board features a new type of worker — farmers — and different paths await on the game board to confront you with more choices. Will you take the road with buildings or a path past farmers? Maybe you'll have the chance to use your cows — well, the strength on your cow cards — to help farmers, getting them on your side and adding grain, a new type of resource, to your income, with grain being used for boat and city tiles.
Perhaps you can unlock shortcuts that allow you to deliver your herd to Buenos Aires more quickly. Sure, you'll forfeit the use of action buildings, but maybe you can catch others unaware, with the ships leaving before they deliver. The timing of reaching the central train station to deliver your herd has never been so crucial, and valuable bonuses await on the city's port tiles.
Money is easier to get in Great Western Trail: Argentina, but you have more to manage in terms of action options, shortcuts, and cards (including the new exhaustion cards), so the challenges won't let up.
Great Western Trail: Argentina also includes a solitaire challenge in which Pedro is waiting for you to try to beat his score.
Isabelle Frenette from Plan B Games, which owns the eggertspiele brand, noted that after seeing comments like this one, artist Chris Quilliams reworked the cover to feature cattle appropriate for Argentina.
Another change is that this title was originally announced for release in mid-2022, but it will instead debut at SPIEL '22 in October. Apparently no shortcuts were available to get this title to port earlier, but that's not surprising given the state of shipping in general...