• I've posted BoardGameGeek's Gen Con 2019 livestream broadcast schedule, which is fully booked at this point barring cancellations. As always, we couldn't book every newly released game that folks will want to see, and we leaned toward booking newly released games over prototypes, although we did end up booking a few of those, such as Tom Lehmann talking about Dice Realms, New Frontiers: Starry Rift, and Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae on Friday morning. He doesn't attend Gen Con most years, so I didn't want to lose a chance to have him on camera talking about upcoming items that folks will want to see.
I know that some publishers are missing from the list, such as Upper Deck and Fantasy Flight Games, but when folks don't return your messages, you can't book them for demo time! I'll visit their booths and others on Wednesday once set-up begins, and if we can slot them into the "cushion time" — that is, the ten minutes of empty time we schedule every two hours so that we can catch up if we're falling behind — then we'll do so.
• The Gen Con 2019 Preview, which has now topped six hundred listings, is nearly complete, mostly because I'm about out of time for further updates. I plan to post several game preview videos in the few days that remain before Gen Con 2019 opens, so my focus until then will be on completing those videos.
• That said, I've also been working on the SPIEL '19 Preview, which contains nearly two hundred listings at this point and which will go live on Monday, August 5, 2019 following the conclusion of Gen Con 2019.
We're starting to schedule demo times in the BGG booth for SPIEL '19 this week — yes, ahead of Gen Con this year! — so if you are a designer or publisher who will have new items for sale in Essen, please submit your completed SPIEL '19 info survey as soon as possible. If you didn't receive one of the 600+ requests for information that I sent out, please email me or Geekmail me, and I'll forward the RFI letter to you.
I'll be adding items to BGG's SPIEL '19 Preview until Friday, October 11, 2019, so if you don't submit the survey now, you'll still have another 2.5 months in which to do so, but (1) we're booking people soon, which means your preferred demo slot might be taken, (2) the earlier you submit the listings, the more people will see it, and (3) you'll undoubtedly get super busy between now and SPIEL '19 and possibly forget to submit your info. Get this item off your plate and your games onto our preview!