• Among the Stars: Revival, co-published by Artipia Games and Stronghold Games, serves as an expansion for other standalone Among the Stars titles as well as a two-player game in its own right. Thank goodness we can now represent such relationships decently in the BGG database. Progress!
• I also overlooked two demos from USAopoly, with one of the games being the more-or-less mature party game Telestrations After Dark. Is it more, or is it less?
• USAopoly's Wonky is a kick in the teeth to anyone who worries about having pristinely organized shelves, which means the box nicely represents the gameplay since the challenge during play is to keep things from falling over while placing wonkily-shaped blocks.
• I can see why I didn't spot this video on a first pass or many subsequent passes. The screenshot showed nothing but an iPad screen, so I assumed the video was one of Brad's, but in fact I recorded this overview of the digital version of Castles of Mad King Ludwig with designer/publisher Ted Alspach of Bézier Games in the BGG booth, so I'm claiming ownership.
• A fair percentage of people on BGG already know about Seiji Kanai's Love Letter — but AEG's publication of Adventure Time Love Letter will undoubtedly introduce it to thousands more.
• Smash Up: Munchkin combines — or "smashes up", as one might say — two best-selling titles from AEG and Steve Jackson Games, with Munchkin serving as the flavor on the Smash Up gameplay.
• Tom Cleaver's deck-building card game Valley of the Kings: Afterlife from AEG fits the pattern of After the Stars: Revival above, being both a standalone game and an expansion for Valley of the Kings.
• Asmadi Games' 1001 Odysseys from designer/owner Chris Cieslik can briefly be described as Tales of the Arabian Nights in space. For a longer description, check out the video.
• And we've finally reached the end of BGG's coverage of Gen Con 2015, so it seems appropriate to close with our 30-minute long convention wrap, which consisted of us (1) answering questions from those in the chat room who were watching the live feed during the con and (2) saying whatever random things came to mind. You get a little addle-brained after talking for four days straight!
Now it's time to start focusing almost solely on Spiel 2015. Just over five weeks to go until it opens!