• Gale Force Nine has made a name for itself with licensed game releases that live up to the spirit of the license, and its latest offering along these lines is WWE Superstar Showdown, with Matt Maggitti almost yelling himself hoarse as the ringside announcer in this presentation of the gameplay.
• Heroes Wanted: The Stuff of Legend from designers Chance and Little and publisher Action Phase Games adds more of what you found in the base game — two-part adjectival & noun hero and villain cards that come together in strange ways — as well as new scenarios in which to start the action.
• Adam E. Daulton's Ninja Camp from Action Phase Games brings together gameplay reminiscent of Hey, That's My Fish! with animal karate masters that pick up movement cards which determine which actions they can possibly perform on future turns.
• Helionox: The Last Sunset from designer Taran Lewis Kratz of Zeroic Games was something I missed seeing on Kickstarter, but man, does this game have eye-catching graphic design!
Sean Brown of Mr. B Games is providing fulfillment for the KS, and he came by the BGG booth at Gen Con 2015 to explain this movement-based deck-builder.