In any case, if you haven't heard of the game yet, here's an overview recorded at Gen Con 2015:
• What else is coming from Vlaada and CGE in 2015? Galaxy Trucker: Missions, due out at Spiel 2015 in October, takes elements from the Galaxy Trucker app and allows you to add them to the GT base game. Paul Grogan explains...
• At Spiel 2014, CGE released the Everfrost expansion for Vlaada's Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends, and a new demon faction will join the game at Spiel 2015 in Nethervoid.
• In Vladimír Suchý's Last Will from 2011, players race to dump their financial holdings as quickly as possible. In The Prodigals Club, due out from CGE at Spiel 2015, Suchý revisits this world of the crazed English well-to-do, with players now needing to destroy their reputation and political standing in addition to their finances — and if you want to, you can combine the two games to have even more to do.
• The biggest title coming from CGE at Spiel 2015 is Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization, a reworking of Vlaada Chvátil's Through the Ages: A Story of Civilization from 2006. CGE's Petr Murmak gave a rundown of what they've focused on with this new version and how it ties into their digital release of the game, which it expects to publish before the end of 2015.