• While in the Schmidt Spiele booth, I also received an overview of Dietmar Bockelmann's Super Race from Matthias Karl, who despite what others have said is the product manager for Schmidt and not supreme-high overlord of the company. At least I think that's how others have referred to him in previous videos...
• Back in the Asmodee booth, where I also got an overview of Paolo Mori's Augustus, Mark ran me through a short explanation of William Attia's Spyrium. Why so short? Apparently Asmodee had not yet received the rules for the game from Ystari – or perhaps the rules had just not made it to the stand in Nürnberg – so Mark was working on little information. (And no cracks about Mark's hair this time!)
• Another title that Asmodee is distributing in Germany is Alberto Corral's Náufragos, which is being published in that country by Lookout Games and elsewhere by Homoludicus and IELLO.
• And to close for now, try to imagine playing "speed Tzolk'in" on a horizontal version of this giant display in the Heidelberger Spieleverlag booth. "Ninety minute playing time? Pshaw! We knock our games out in six!"