• Günter Burkhardt and Haim Shafir's Kuddelmuddel fits the Halli Galli-ish quick-playing, slap-a-bell card game category that AMIGO seems to target once a season. Scott Reed and I managed to play once in a five-minute break between interviews, and for now at least I get to claim the crown of U.S. Kuddelmuddel champion. Go, me!
• In addition to highlighting its early 2013 releases, AMIGO had posters of a few items aimed for presentation at Spiel 2013, including a German version of Jung-Hun Lim's Pharaoh Code, first published in 2011 by Korea Boardgames.
• Another title coming from AMIGO in late 2013 is Jack Degnan's Word on the Street, which should be interesting when played in German given that words like Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz and siebenhundertsiebenundsiebzigtausendsiebenhundertsiebenundsiebzig are possible since nouns can be compounded repeatedly to create new nouns. One word win!
• Flash 10 is another Spiel 2013 release from AMIGO Spiel, but I know zip about this game other than that it's part of AMIGO's quick-playing, black box line that includes Kookiz and Uuups. Still, I took a photo of the poster on display at Nürnberg 2013, so by durn I'm going to post it here and share this tidbit of information with you. Information now relayed – Eric out.