• ABACUSSPIELE also had a small card game from Meelis Looveer titled Alles Käse!, and for both this title and the one above, the artwork is provided by Michael Menzel, who is normally associated with the typical Eurogame Renaissance look but who has a much wider range of styles than just that.
• In addition to Ab in die Tonne and the previously featured Im großen Zauberwald, Rossi had another title being shown in Nürnberg, the Piatnik release Family Farm, which still lacks an entry in the BGG database as Piatnik is a black hole that absorbs all my requests for information without emitting any informative light in return. Maybe now that I've made contact in person, I'll have better luck in the future with my requests. We'll see...
• German publisher intellego holzspiele releases beautiful hardwood abstract strategy games, but publisher Alois Hunger was uncomfortable presenting the games in English (despite his English being quite good), so he asked me to demo Christwart Conrad's Säulen der Macht after explaining it to me. With me bungling the name and not remembering the game end conditions or the scoring – thus the cut in this video – I'll endeavor to convince Alois to take my place in the future. Either that, or I'll insist on more prep time, advance rules, a practice script in my trailer, a teleprompter, and increased cranial space for new memory drives.
• The other title forthcoming from intellego holzspiele is a nice version of Reiner Knizia's Catch, which was previously published as an insert in Spielbox magazine. Thanks to Hilko Drude for serving as my opponent during the demonstration, but no thanks for making me look like an inept player! Next time I'm shining a bright light in his eyes to make sure I win...