• At SPIEL 2016, Devir's Matt Hyland raved about the Fanhunter comic created by Cels Piñol, trying to give me context to appreciate the Fanhunter: Urban Warfare game from David Esbri that Devir will be selling and demoing at the 2017 Origins Game Fair. Here's a short description from Wikipedia:
Alejo I decided to create a special force, the Fanhunters, and used the cloned soldiers Tintin Macute (who are not so intelligent) to annihilate the civilians who still resist: otakus, gamers, comic fans, and geeks left in Europe. Barcelona is renamed as Barnacity, being now the capital of Europe, which has been renamed Europe of Dick.
To defend themselves, the rebels created a group "The Resistance" to fight against Pope Alejo I and his evil forces. Many fans organized to defend their ideals and lifestyle, stopping the destruction of imagination that moves the world, using their knowledge of movie, comics, TV shows, and books like "V", "M*A*S*H", "Constantine", "The A-Team", and "The Rock".
• Here's a double miss by me, which makes me feel extra embarrassed to mention it. At Gen Con 2016, I recorded an interview with Douglas Morse, creator of the documentary The Next Great American Game, and Randall Hoyt, whose efforts to license the game Turnpike are covered in that film. I think that file is on a thumb drive somewhere, but thumb drives are small and possibly I ate it during the madness of that show. I'm not sure. My organization skills excel in some ways, but only at the cost of decelling in other areas.
At the 2017 GAMA Trade Show, Sean Lashagari from Ultra PRO presented an overview of Road Hog: Rule the Road, which is the published name of Turnpike and which hit U.S. retail shelves in February 2017.
• Vincent Vergonjeanne is co-designer, with Jeremie Torton, of Zombie Tsunami from Lucky Duck Games, with this being a tabletop adaptation of the Zombie Tsunami app. In this game, due out at SPIEL 2017 in October if the Kickstarter funding goes well, each player has their own wave of zombies coming into town and you want to survive the resistance of the humans better than anyone else.
• This final video overview from the 2017 GAMA Trade Show (I think) was not held up as a result of my incompetence, but rather as a result of a name change. Queen Games was developing a design by Dirk Henn and Mike Elliott titled War Eternal, then right after we recorded this video the German office found out about the Indie Boards & Cards title Aeon's End: War Eternal and asked not to publish the video until they had settled on a new name. That name is Immortals, and here's a short overview:
It is each player's aim to control and make efficient use of the different areas and their resources (inhabitants, gold, energy) in both realms. The player who most successfully implements their ambitions will be the winner of the game.