![Game Overviews at Gen Con 2012: Ogre, Level 7 [Escape], Last Night on Earth: Timber Peak & Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game](https://cf.geekdo-images.com/Kp5ojw-zxbAiqcWSxeNpKQ__thumb/img/eoIUWPh-AbNZWHFx95KmzujrmFs=/fit-in/200x150/filters:strip_icc()/pic1268706.jpg)
• Bruno Cathala, co-designer of Shadows over Camelot: The Card Game from Days of Wonder, talks about the game that he and Serge Laget didn't make before they settled on the design that will be released in October 2012.
• Designer Will Schoonover from Privateer Press gives an overview of Level 7 [Escape], which sold out at Gen Con 2012 ahead of its general retail release in September 2012, and someone waiting patiently to demo the game endures my many questions.
• Phil Reed from Steve Jackson Games shows off the enormous – but not quite big enough – box for Ogre Designer's Edition, along with sample game boards and components. I really think I'm on to something with my challenge to others to create a heftier board game than this one.