In many ways, Second Chance is more minimalist than The Mind: You're given a shape, then you draw it in your 9x9 grid, then you're shown two shapes and draw one of them, then you see two more shapes and draw one of them, etc.
Second Chance is like a hypnotic melody of a game, with you nodding along peacefully outside the one or two cymbal crashes that sound when the puzzle pieces fit together perfectly and you momentarily imagine yourself a spatial wizard that can pack anything in the best way possible. Then things go awry, and you think, yeah, I guess that was bound to happen. C'est la vie. At least my drawing looks neat!
[I've realized that in my write-ups accompanying these video overviews, sometimes I approach the game from a second angle, which then provides a secondary entry point into how one might perceive the game, but sometimes I simply repeat some percentage of what I say during the video itself — which is a waste of time should you be someone who both reads these writes-ups, then watches the video (or vice versa). With that in mind, for some of my future game overviews, I'll post the video in this space and leave it at that. When I have more to say beyond what I already said in video format, I'll do so.
[I know that some folks prefer written game overviews to recorded ones, but in the time that I save from not writing out what I've already spoken, I'll be able to write a BGG News post on a completely separate topic, or edit a designer diary, or work on a convention preview, or otherwise provide something standalone that is more useful than me repeating my own words. I apologize for disappointing you should you fall into that category, but ideally you'll find value in the other things I do instead.]