On top of this, the FFG role-playing department has apparently been let go. On Facebook, Tim Huckelbery — who has worked on a variety of FFG RPG titles including Dark Heresy, Genesys, Legend of the Five Rings, and the three Star Wars lines — wrote, "Yes, there were layoffs today at FFG. I won't go into numbers or names, but I was one of them. It was a good almost 9 years run (more if you count my freelancing time with them)."
In a post on the FFG forums, Ian Houlihan — who worked on the Legend of the Five Rings RPG on a freelance basis — describes the working process he experienced:
The art department then create the layout of the book, but all has to go through final approval via the RPG Department.
In essence, the Developers could do all the work, but they outsourced to freelancers.