It didn't help, of course, that a thunderstorm was passing overhead, one of many that have blanketed our nights in mid-North Carolina throughout March and April, with thunderclaps that shake us like someone's beating the side of the house with hundred-foot-long drumsticks. Some nights the rhythm is compelling and enough to make you throw aside sleep to nod along with nature's most relentless drummer; other nights, your mouth is dry and the pillow shifted an odd way under your neck so that you know you'll wake with a headache no matter what you do now, and the thunder provides just a little extra tickle in the neck, teasing your vertebrae as you drift in and out of sleep.
So now I've gathered that release information and present it to you sans drumming.
FFG's new tiny edition of Hey, That's My Fish!, announced roughly a year ago, has been issued a new sell sheet with an expected release date of May 2012. Other titles due out that same month include another quartet of expansions for FFG's Living Card Game series, those expansionsbeing:
-----• A Game of Thrones: The Card Game - Valar Dohaeris
-----• Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - Lost Rites
-----• The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - Foundations of Stone
-----• Warhammer: Invasion - The Accursed Dead
In May 2012, Fantasy Flight also expects to release a handful of titles for Dust Tactics/Dust Warfare, all of which involve the newly introduced Sino-Soviet Union:
-----• Dust Warfare: Campaign Book "Zverograd"
-----• Dust Tactics: "Ohotniki" - SSU Rifle Squad
-----• Dust Tactics: "Nikolaï / Yakov / Red Yana" - SSU Hero Pack
-----• Dust Tactics: "Nabludatyel / Jnetzi" - SSU Specialists
-----• Dust Tactics: "Rattler / Rattler-Amp / Cobra / Cobra-Amp" - MCW M3 Expansion
For June 2012, Fantasy Flight has a few standalone titles on the docket, all of which have been mentioned previously on BGG News, but to cover them again, they are:
-----• Olympus – a new edition of the Andrea Chiarvesio/Luca Iennaco design, with FFG being the main publisher this time instead of importing the Stratelibri production.
-----• Sky Traders – in which you command your own skyship, hire a crew, and buy and sell cargo while trying to become a master merchant.
-----• Talisman (fourth edition): The Blood Moon – which adds a Day/Night time element to the game in which time passes and the strength of monsters ebbs and flows.
June 2012 also brings yet another quartet of expansions for FFG's LCG series:
-----• A Game of Thrones: The Card Game - Chasing Dragons
-----• Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game - The Unspeakable Pages
-----• The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game - Shadow and Flame
-----• Warhammer: Invasion - Vessel of the Winds
And June 2012 closes with another handful of expansions for Dust Tactics/Dust Warfare, once again mostly focusing on the Sino-Soviet Union in order to bring them on par with the existing Allied and Axis powers in the game. Expansions for the games are:
-----• Dust Tactics: "Drakoni" - SSU Commissar Squad
-----• Dust Tactics: "Striker / Burner / Air Blaster / Death Rain" - SSU Ground Attack Helicopter
-----• Dust Tactics: "Flamm-Luther / Wotan / Wotan-AR" - Panzer-Kampfläufer III
-----• Dust Tactics: "MIL MI-46 / Nastasia / Nikita / Nina" - SSU Airborne Walker Transport
-----• Dust Tactics: "Warzone Tenement" Building Accessory Pack