To start, we will once again be at the Spielwarenmesse trade fair in Nürnberg, Germany in early February for three days to record a hundred or so game overview videos. I'll be joined on camera by our new Director of Media Lincoln Damerst, who has been talking with me about a funky two-camera, one-monopod set-up that I'm curious to see in action. I just need to ask questions and look pretty, though, so I'll still have the easy part of the job.
I'll hit NY Toy Fair for a day-and-a-half in mid-February 2018 to snap pics and take notes on what's being shown on the U.S. market. That trade show tends to be light on hobby games — and I'll already have seen some of them in Nürnberg from international companies like KOSMOS, Ravensburger, IELLO, and Asmodee — but I love having a chance to see what's being shown to U.S. mainstream retailers in terms of current games.
I attended the Festival International des Jeux in Cannes, France for the first time in 2017, and now we will have a booth at FIJ in late February 2018 to do a mini-version of the livestream broadcast that we already do annually at the GAMA Trade Show, Origins, Gen Con, and SPIEL. As in Nürnberg, Lincoln and I are making this trip on our own. Consider this a scouting run for future years as we have no idea how well this set-up will work at this show.
To check out the games that we'll be previewing at these shows, head to BGG's Spielwarenmesse/NY Toy Fair/FIJ 2018 Preview, which I've just published. We have only 24 titles listed in the preview right now, but since most German publishers start announcing their early 2018 line-ups in January, expect that preview to swell soon, with news from French, U.S., and other publishers to follow.
Finally in Q1 2018, BGG will once again be livestreaming game demonstrations from the GAMA Trade Show, which as of 2018 has moved to Reno, Nevada. I have no idea whether the set-up will differ significantly from what was done in Las Vegas, but we'll find out — and looking back at our GAMA 2017 playlist on YouTube, I see that we recorded 112 videos over two days, which seems like madness. Can we repeat that madness in 2018?!