Dungeon Fighter can best be described as a dexterity-based dungeon crawl game, and while the 2010 release Catacombs could also fit that description, Catacombs used an as-serious-as-you-want-it-to-be approach by using wooden disks that players had to flick during play. Sure, flicking a wood disk is not inherently serious, but you can still imagine yourself drawing back an arrow and looking down the shaft at a target be you launch the disk.
Not so in Dungeon Fighter, which leans toward the silly end of the dexterity scale.
But first, let's get an overview of the game. In Dungeon Fighter, you play a hero who will explore a dungeon with the other members of his party, facing off against the monster hordes infesting the various rooms. The dungeon is randomly created by combining two adventure maps with one boss map, with each map showing various corridors and rooms. Only through steady applications of skill and courage will a party be able to face off against the final dungeon boss – not to mention have a chance to defeat it.
An additional difficulty is that the team must agree how to move the party each turn, or else the leader will decide on his own and drag everyone else with him.
In each room, players will face a monster and to fight off this beast players must throw one or more dice onto the monster's card. Yes, when you're trying to hit a monster in this dungeon, you're really trying to hit it!
How are the monsters represented? Similar to a game of darts, each monster card has five concentric zones with increasing numbers from the edge to the center (1-5), with the number equalling the amount of damage that the player will inflict on a monster while fighting. The cards also include four "Missed Shot" zones (which always count as a miss), four "Critical Hit" zones that cause six points of damage when struck, and (of course) the center of the target, which inflicts ten points of damage when hit.
Heroes try to defeat a monster using the dice available to them at that time. The party starts with three basic dice, and throughout the adventure players can earn more dice that offer additional skills. Some faces on the dice display special icons that can activate special powers on a Hero's information sheet.
As you might expect from a dungeon crawler, all the familiar material is present: equipment, the aforementioned special powers, big bosses who await at the end of the dungeon.
A hero can be knocked out at most three times, with each time spent unconscious causing a scar – with the "scar" after the third knockout being removal from play. Maybe next time, Hero!