That's the extent of what it can say about the game at this time. Teaser video with just as little info, but accompanied by a logo and music here on Facebook.
• Similarly, a new game has appeared for sale at the Target retail chain in the U.S. from publisher Mondo Games, but I have only limited information until the official publication of press materials. That said, I can pass along the following description of Disney Shadowed Kingdom from designer Darth Rimmer:
Gameplay revolves around silently adding cards face-down to a 2x2 grid in one of two directions, causing cards to be pushed either into the hand of your partner for discovery or out of the grid completely, dispelling them from play. Each card that is discovered features either:
—Magic, which counts toward points needed for victory
—Shadow, which inches you further from your goal
—Locations that are explored, triggering in-game effects
Disney heroes provide special powers that can be activated throughout the course of your journey. To win, max out your Magic Tracker before the Shadow Tracker is full.