This time the box will not look like a Pringles can, but more like a box of salted peanuts. Top-A-Top Plus will be half the size of the previous one and contain thirty colorful cards. The blue level can be mixed with cards from the basic version, but I also wanted it to be a completely separate game, so it will be.
Creating ten new cards and tasks took a pretty long time. We were not in a hurry, though, and could easily try various options. In the meantime I was receiving very positive feedback that motivated me to work harder. Good reviews in the media, as well as kind words of players gave me the power to finish the expansion. The cards in it were designed in such a way that they were linked to the basic game, while the images and reactions were so similar that even experienced players could sometimes get confused.
Here RAZ Company and Szwedzki joined in. He took care of the graphic design, just like in 2011. What images can you expect then? Among others: a spider that could be confused with a fly; new animals, and a clown – this time a bit gaunt and with a "I've been through a lot" look... Apart from the characters you already know, new faces will appear, too.
One special card will also be included: a joker, for which the rule can be created by the players themselves. I observed many games at parties in which the rules of Top-A-Top were being modified with unrestrained creativity. Often it would be improper to include such new (and untested) rules in the rulebook, but after all they could be interesting; this is what the joker is for.
I have a feeling that the game's difficulty level has increased, and it will require more focus and attention for good play, even from those who know Top-A-Top perfectly. This time I decided that it would be good to add more moving and player interaction. The first tests revealed that this could be a bit dangerous when things get out of control in the heat of the fight... However, the testers (despite bearing a few bruises) claimed that these cards should stay, but in a softer version; in this way cards such as "grab another player's shoulder" were designed. They give an additional opportunity to dodge, escape, and otherwise make a task harder for other players, which was done many times during the tests.
There were many sounds and reactions that were eliminated as soon as they were suggested. I spent a lot of time sitting on a bench in the park, holding a pen and a sheet of paper, staring blankly at the surroundings and waiting for inspiration to come. "Interrogating" my friends also turned out to be useful as I tormented them for hours and forced them to make various noises and gestures and do other strange things. Obviously the final tests contributed to the game to the biggest extent as I received numerous important suggestions at that time. Finally, some cards had to be eliminated from the expansion, but I hope you will have a chance to see them in action in the future.
There is no point in enumerating here all the cards, pictures and reactions – it will be best if you just try them. I can't wait for my second visit to Essen, especially when I know that quite a few people from all over the world are waiting to play Top-A-Top again...
Agnieszka Migdalska